47 Most Important KPIs for Property Business

kpis property
Advertising and promotion
Average commission per sale
Average commission per salesperson
Commission margin
Net profit
Office cost (telephone, fax, and other office cost)
Rent cost of premises
Sold homes per available inventory ratio
Total income
Wages and salaries (including commissions and vehicle allowances)
Year-to-year variance on average sold price
Year-to-year variance on dollar volume of sold listings
Year-to-year variance on sold average dollar per square foot
Annual return on investment in percentage
Construction/purchaser rate – New constructed or purchased units over time
Cost per square foot
Equity value growth in percentage
Lease events coverage ratio – Number of lease inquiries over number of available units
Management efficiency – Number of leased spaces over number of staff
Market share growth
Monthly return on investment as percentage
Occupancy cost – Cost per occupied unit
Operation cost to rent income ratio
Percentage of rent collected
Price to income as percentage
Profitability per square foot
Real estate demand growth – Market rental demands
Rented space usage quality – Average number of tenant visits over rented space
Renting cost – Renting cost per square foot
Renting return on investment – Rent income over cost
Revenue per square foot
Risk metrics as percentage
Total property management income per property manager
Usage efficiency – Available renting square feet over number of staff
Utilization (vacancy) rate – Rented square feet over total square feet, or rented units over total units
Average gross multiplier for portfolio
Cost per square foot to value per square foot ratio
Equity to value ratio
Gross multiplier per commercial property
LTV (loan to value) ratio per property
Mortgage rate index
Overall LTV (loan to value) ratio for portfolio
Price per square foot to value per square foot ratio
Profitability per square foot
Property value growth (market trend)
Purchase price-to-appraisal value ratio
Rental value growth rate ROI (return on investment)

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